Tuesday, October 6, 2015

FieldBlog 1-Mayfield Middle School

While visiting Mayfield Middle School, I was able to observe a seventh grade social studies class as well as a seventh grade science class.  In the social studies class, the desks were set up in tables, and there were many posters on the walls providing a welcoming learning environment for the students.  While I was in the classroom, the children were working together in groups, and the teacher was walking around helping them and giving his input on their projects.  The science class also had a similar set up to the social studies class.  There were many posters on the wall, and the desks were replaced by lab tables.  In this classroom the students were working on labs together, and just like the social studies class the teacher was helping the students as needed.  Once they had completed their projects, the teacher shared their test scores with them from their most recent exam.  Instead of the teacher punishing the students who didn’t do so well, he rewarded the kids who got a B or higher on the test by putting a picture of them on his board.  This teacher also rewarded the class for being quiet when they were told not to talk.  The class was in competition with another class, and if the children were talking the teacher would take away a point.  At the end of the week, the class with the most points was rewarded with donuts.          

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